The Complete Guide to B2B Podcast SEO
Want to know something that I love to nerd out on? Two words: Podcast SEO. (Bet you couldn’t have guessed that one, right?!) After all, I’ve talked about it before here on the blog. But today, I want to take the SEO conversation a layer deeper and talk specifically about podcast SEO for B2B podcasts.
Podcasts are all the rage these days, and I only expect that trend to continue in 2025 and beyond. While they are ever-popular amongst a variety of entrepreneurs, influencers, celebrities, and thought leaders, podcasts are also a key pillar of many successful B2B content marketing strategies.
But here’s the kicker: without the proper optimization tactics, even the best B2B podcast can struggle to find its people.
That’s where B2B podcast SEO strategies come into play!
With a well-rounded strategy for optimizing podcasts for search engines, you can boost podcast discoverability, attract high-quality “dream” listeners, and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.
Read on for your complete guide to podcast SEO for B2B marketers, where you’ll find actionable tips and tools to help boost podcast search rankings for your show!
How Podcast SEO Benefits B2B Content Strategy
When you think about podcast SEO, you likely think of keywords and show titles. Maybe even a strategic URL or two. However, B2B podcast SEO is so much more than that. It’s a holistic approach that includes optimizing show notes, episode descriptions, metadata, transcripts, building external backlinks, and leveraging social signals.
I know it might sound like a lot, but trust me – when it’s done right, podcast SEO for B2B businesses can significantly boost your discoverability, attract your target audience, and drive more meaningful engagement. Plus, it can help position your podcast as a valuable asset within your B2B content marketing strategy.
Where Do Show Directories Come Into Play?
Many podcasters believe podcast SEO begins and ends with show directories. (Think… Apple Podcasts, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, etc).
Here’s my take on it: Yes, submitting your show to high-quality show directories is key, but there’s so much more you can do to get your show discovered.
Podcast SEO is an integrated strategy – one that treats podcasts as key pieces of digital content fully deserving of the same optimization attention as blog posts or landing pages.
B2B marketers should think of their podcasts not as isolated audio files, but as valuable and dynamic content assets that can be optimized and promoted across channels, improving the overall digital footprint and visibility of their brand.
B2B Podcast SEO Strategies to Optimize Podcasts for Search
As your podcast ninja, my advice is to systematically implement SEO best practices for your B2B podcast.
Not sure where to start? I’ve got you covered – keep on reading!
#1: Research Relevant Industry Keywords
The foundation of any SEO strategy is keyword research. For B2B podcasts specifically, this means researching and identifying industry-specific terms and phrases that your target audience is searching for. Think about industry challenges, problems, solutions, tools, etc. This is where building relationships and having authentic conversations also come into play, as it allows you to tap into the exact language your people are using.
Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Moz’s Keyword Explorer, or Ubersuggest to conduct your research and find relevant keywords. Incorporate these keywords into your B2B podcast’s written content (episode titles, descriptions, show notes, transcripts, blog posts, etc), as well as the spoken content in your episodes.
Pro Tip! Address common industry problems, solutions, questions, or tools in your episodes, ensuring these keywords naturally appear in your content. Want to get inside the mind of your ideal audience? Check out Answer The Public, a smart search tool to learn what people are asking about!
#2: Optimize Metadata, Images, and Headings
After identifying your SEO keywords, be sure to build them into your podcast’s metadata.
What’s metadata you might ask?
Metadata is all of the data about your data. More specifically, it includes your podcast episode titles, episode descriptions, URLs, images, alt text, and headings.
It’s also important to optimize each episode’s blog post with the keywords found in the research phase.
Pro Tip! Take your B2B podcast SEO game a step further by creating episode-specific artwork with an SEO-friendly title.
#3: Make Sure Your Podcast Hosting Platform & Website Are SEO-Friendly
If you’re going to put all of this work into finding keywords and optimizing your podcast for search engines, you can’t forget to optimize your website and podcast hosting platform as well.
Your podcast’s website is its digital home, the place where your listeners go to access episodes, show notes, transcripts, resources, links, and other materials you share related to your podcast. When it’s optimized to the fullest extent, it makes it that much easier for Google to index your page and make it pop up higher in search. Google is smart, but you want to do everything you can to make it easy for your show to rank higher in search.
To optimize your podcast’s website for SEO:
- Embed an accessible podcast player on your site.
- Include detailed show notes and episode transcripts (that strategically utilize your keywords, of course!).
- Link to resources and your podcast’s social media accounts, and include an email sign-up.
- Optimize your “About” page to build authority and trust and establish yourself as a thought leader.
Check out how two of our clients use SEO-friendly episode transcripts to boost their SEO:
Katie Decker, host of the Success By Design Podcast, uses episode transcripts, speaker names, and timestamps to guide listeners through the episode (while also optimizing SEO keywords).
Marilynn, Tijana, and Jordanna, hosts of the Get Sculpted Podcast, utilize episode transcripts with speaker names, timestamps, and headings that include SEO keywords to help listeners navigate each episode and become more discoverable on search engines.
As far as your podcast hosting platform goes, make sure that it supports SEO-friendly features such as customizable episode pages and RSS feeds that are optimized for search engines.
#4: Regularly Analyze Performance Metrics To Refine Your Approach
Podcast SEO isn’t static; it’s an ever-changing part of content marketing. That’s why you have to be on top of it, continuously analyzing performance metrics to refine your approach to your B2B podcast’s SEO strategy.
Tools For Tracking Podcast SEO Performance
To maintain and improve your show’s search rankings, track metrics such as downloads, listeners per episode, engagement metrics, site traffic, keyword performance, and more.
You can use tools like:
- Google Analytics – monitor site traffic and user behavior.
- ListenNotes – check the ranking of your podcast show notes and audio transcripts.
- Rephonic (my personal fave!) – deep dive into discoverability and audience growth.
- Buzzsprout & Libsyn – these hosting platforms have built-in analytics.
Take these metrics and the feedback from your audience to refine your approach for B2B content marketing, stay relevant, and keep on top of your SEO game.
#5: Optimize Podcast Specific Social Media Accounts
While social media accounts don’t pull the same weight in the SEO world as websites, they do serve a key role in increasing visibility for B2B podcasts. Create separate social media accounts where you can share on-brand content specific to your podcast. Optimize your bios to share who you are and what your show is all about. Don’t forget to link to your podcast’s website! A strong social media presence increases the traffic to your show and website, which leads to boosted SEO.
You can also collaborate with other bloggers, podcasters, thought leaders, or influencers in your industry to build an external backlinking strategy. When other people share “backlinks” to your podcast’s website, it helps boost your SEO and help new people discover your show. Do the same for them to help each other out – there’s room for everyone to succeed!
Technical SEO Tips For Podcast Episodes
While these five B2B podcast SEO strategies are sure to help you optimize your podcast for search engines, there are a few technical tips I wanted to share to really nail down your B2B podcast SEO.
#1: Ensure Fast Load Times
Make sure to use a reliable, SEO-friendly podcast hosting platform with fast load times to keep your site running smoothly. Compress your images to ensure they load quickly. The faster a user can actually start listening to your podcast, the better. Buffering and “spinning wheel of death” signals are a no-go for SEO!
#2: Optimize For Mobile
Most listeners discover and stream podcasts on their phones, so it’s essential that your podcast’s website and player are mobile-friendly and also load quickly on mobile.
#3: Create Episode-Specific Website Pages
Each episode of your show should have its own fully optimized page on your website. With SEO keywords, optimized metadata, and detailed written content, Google will be better able to index your page and bump it up in search.
Ready to Boost Your B2B Podcast SEO?
I hope this blog post has helped you realize that podcast discovery (while it can be daunting at first), is not out of your hands. With a few simple SEO strategies, tips, and tools, you can feel empowered, confident, and in control of your podcast, knowing that you can actively influence how easily your episodes are found by your target audience.
Doesn’t that feel good?!
Are you ready to connect with your ideal listeners and grow your brand’s authority in the B2B space?
I offer Podcast SEO Audits + SEO Strategy Packets tailored to your needs. Together, we can take your podcast and online presence to the next level with a fully optimized podcast and standout content!
Book your session today and let’s get this SEO party started!

Meet Leah
The only thing I love more than binge listening to podcast, is helping you publish a podcast you love!
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